Lágrimas negras de mi pluma triste
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
mueran contigo, amor *, pues moriste
los afectos que en vano te desean
los ojos a quien privas de que vean
hermosa luz que a un tiempo concediste
muera mi lira infausta en que influiste
ecos, que lamentables te vocean
y hasta estos rasgos mal formados sean
lágrimas negras de mi pluma triste
muévase a compasión la misma muerte
que, precisa, no pudo perdonarte
y lamente el amor su amarga suerte
pues si antes, ambicioso de gozarte
deseó tener ojos para verte
ya le sirvieran sólo de llorarte
*Laura in original poem
Black tears from my sorrowful quill
let them die with you, love, now you are dead
the affections that long for you in vain
the eyes which you deprive of seeing
beautiful light that you once spread
let this unfortunate lyre die, the echoes
you influenced, crying in despair
and let these awkward prints remain
black tears from my sorrowful quill
let death itself feel compassion
and regret it could not spare you
and let love lament its bitter fate
if once, ambitious to enjoy you,
it wished for the eyes to see you,
well now they’d only serve to mourn you
Nuu ti biaani’
Irma Pineda
nuu ti biaani’ dxindxi’ cabidxi naa
guyaa xcuriá sica ti sumpirinisa
ridxiña’ chahuidugá sica ni ma huayacaná
nannapia’ ca xhiaa’
qui zareeca’ nazaaca lu guendaruyaa di’
ruyaa casi ti sumpirinisa ni cuyubi xquendaranaxhii
ti gunaabenda nucaachilú xha’ na’ nisa
ma bichendabe naa ne ruyube’ xquipibe
ruxhale’ ti neza lade ludxi bele
nannadxiichepia’ ni
xisi zanda chuaa’ ra rindani guendaracala’dxi’
There is a light
there is a radiant light that calls me
to dance around it like dragonfly on water
I approach with the prudence of someone who has been wounded
with the certainty that my wings will not go undefeated in this dance
I take a chance
I dance like a dragonfly that seeks to make the mermaid
hiding under water, fall in love
seduced by the light, I search for its center
I make my way through tongues of fire
I will burn I know it well
but I will penetrate to where desire is born
Luna Nikol
hombre con manos de montaña
ríos de venas urgidas en olas carne
nací para enredarme entre tus huellas
soy la niña dormida flotando en tu palma
calor de tu pulso volcánico
marea mi piel con tu toque ahogado<
llega hasta desatar mi temblor original
que abre cuando agita en la tierra
mi cuerpo transformado en tus manos
man with mountain hands
veins, surging like rivers, in waves of flesh
I was born to entangle in your footprints
I am a sleeping girl floating in your palm
the heat of your volcanic pulse
tiding my skin with your drowned touch
rising, until releasing my original tremor
that opens when the earth shakes
my body transformed in your hands
Quiero que venga con flores en el corazón –
Xpetra Ernándes
quiero que venga con flores en el corazón
con todo su corazón quiero que le hable a mi cuerpo
I want him to come with flowers in his heart
I want him to come with flowers in his heart
with all his heart I want him to talk to my body
Voy por mi camino
Katja Šulc
no me llevas dentro, dentro de ti
voy por mi camino, lejos de ti
I am going my way
you are not carrying me inside, inside of you
I am going my way, away from you
Macochi pitentzin
trad. (Nahuatl)
macochi pitentzin
manocoxteca pitelontzin
macochi cochi noxocoyotl
manocoxteca noxocoyotzin
manocoxteca nopitelontzin
macochi cochi pitentzin
Sleep, my little child
sleep, my little child
don’t wake up, my son
sleep, sleep, my little one
don’t wake up, my dear little one
don’t wake up, my dear son
sleep, sleep my little child